All In The Mind
Will they, won’t they, that seems to be the question most investors are asking in response to the latest trade meeting between the U.S. and China.
After 20 years of overseeing the operations of Spectrum, Christine Windeyer has decided to step down from her role as Chief Executive Officer. Following Christine's decision, Equity Trustees as responsible entity of the Spectrum Strategic Income Fund (the Fund) has agreed to transition the investment management of the Fund to EQT Asset Management.
As a key component of this action, Spectrum's Chief Investment Officer, Lindsay Skardoon will join EQT Asset Management and will continue to manage the Fund in an unchanged manner. The Directors of Spectrum view the development as a positive future and resources that would not otherwise be available to the management of the Fund.
EQT Asset Management has an experienced team of 14 investment professionals, managing circa $4.5 billion across various asset classes as well as offering multi manager investment solutions to its clients. With deep sector experience in both fixed interest and equity markets, we believe this will provide further support for Lindsay to continue to produce strong returns for investors in the Fund.
The Fund will continue to be called the Spectrum Strategic Income Fund. Investors should note that there will be no change to the investment strategy or process that is currently employed, nor will there be any change to fees that are charged.
Income funds generally hold a diversified portfolio of debt and income securities with a view to minimising any loss of income and capital of the Fund. Issuers may be government bodies, banks, corporations and, to a imited extent, specialist financing vehicles. To maintain a diversified portfolio structure, certain limits are imposed on security type, credit risk, industry and issuers.
Will they, won’t they, that seems to be the question most investors are asking in response to the latest trade meeting between the U.S. and China.
Our study of other developed markets suggests that after sustained periods of credit-fueled price appreciation, residential property often falls in the region of 15% to 30%.
Spectrum’s Damien Wood discusses the benefits of investing in a bond fund and in Spectrum Strategic Income Fund with BellDirect’s Julia Lee.
Spectrum Asset Management Limited was founded in 2001 to manage investments in credit securities.
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